Worship Service

Everyone is welcome to join us for our morning worship. Today Richard Brookes will be leading alongside  Judith Gallimore who will be preaching. There will be refreshments afterwards and an opportunity to chat together....

Worship Service

Everyone is welcome to join us for our morning worship which will also include communion. Today Mandy James will be leading and Richard Brookes preaching. Time to celebrate afterwards with birthday cake, tea and coffee – what a perfect opportunity to chat...

Worship Service

Everyone is welcome to join us for our morning worship. Today  Judith Gallimore will be leading alongside  Yomi Daniels who will be preaching. Yomi has been joining us on Sunday mornings. He was on the same course as Judith at Spurgeon’s Bible College. We look...

Worship Service

Everyone is welcome to join us for our morning worship. Mandy James will be leading and preaching today. There will be refreshments afterwards and an opportunity to chat together....